We put all our green blending knowledge and expertise at our roaster partners service

Our Blending operation


nv Supremo sa is a green coffee import company with a dedication to quality developments. We put all our knowledge and expertise at sourcing and supplying quality coffees throughout the ranges. Direct deliveries to our customers are taylor-made, and, on request, green coffee lots are blended before delivery. The success of our blending operations depends on acute communication and mutual collaboration between Supremo and its customers to ensure blend consistency is optimal.

Our Blending Unit


Supremo’s green coffee blending unit began its operations in 1993. It has since been blending green coffee to order and delivering it in bags, big bags or bulk to customers all over Europe.

This blending and bulking operation was the first of its kind in Antwerp. The blending machine we currently use has a capacity of 10 metric ton (Mt.) per hour and loads a 24 Mt. silo or bulk truck in less than an hour.

The blending process : decision & execution


Step 1: Validation of a blend of green coffee by the customer

Step 2: Importing and blend execution

Step 3: Delivery approvals pre & post blends, just on time deliveries, buffer stocks and component flexibility

Step 1: Validation of a blend of green coffee by the customer

Quality Mapping


Supremo can provide different alternatives for each origin indicated as blend component, therefore maximizing blend value. On top of quality and consistency being paramount the traceability and certification aspects of coffees are a growing need for coffee roasters and, when required, these are guaranteed in the Supremo blends making each of our blends a fully fitting solution for roasters who rely on Supremo for this step of the process.

Logistics execution is offered as well on a “fit your needs” basis.

Performance of quality vs Productivity: The perfect blend for you ! 


Once the identification and selection of component coffees is done, the customer and Supremo teams will prepare and share individual tests in order to obtain a database which describes the coffee blend’s overall behavior as well as the perceptual participation of the coffee components in the blend depending on flavor, aroma and density characteristics whilst roasting.

Defining the cost structure of each blend is mutually done with an open-eye kept on potential substitute coffees that can lower the costs without impacting the targeted profile. The creation and engineering part ends once the blend of green coffee is approved per origin, per component, or per type selected by the customer.

Step 2: Importing and blend execution

Importing the components


Supremo handles the logistical aspect from inland (EU or Origin) or FOB Origin of this coffee to the blending facility including customs clearing.


Storage / Blend of green coffee beans


The pre-blending storage of green beans is organized in the warehouses of of our partner in Antwerp, this allows for consolidation of lots and sample control in the actual premises where the blending takes place.

Once the import, release and storage of the different components of each blend is done Supremo will industrialize the blend, for which each process will be coordinated in line with confidential supply instructions received from the customer.

Step 3: Delivery approvals pre & post blends, just on time deliveries, buffer stocks and component flexibility


The post-blend logistics of delivery are executed by Supremo, with an extreme level of reactivity and flexibility in volume, timeliness, packaging, and return. Silo trucks as well as bulk trucks can be loaded automatically. The latter have a cost advantage and use a built-in conveyor belt to unload the coffee conveniently at destination. If needed, the blended coffee can also be packed into big bags or jute bags.

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