Lake Kivu FTO Coffee Cluster

Lake Kivu


Anchored on the Rwandan hills which stand atop the shores of Lake Kivu, overseeing the Virunga mountains of Congo, the washing station of Boneza looks like paradise on earth. A narrow footpath takes the visitor from the dock, across the plain, to the coffee washing station where dozens of coffee beds rise, well aligned, all the way up to the washing tanks. The atmosphere is serene albeit a sense of a beehive organization going-on and the people of the area can’t help but to welcome visitors with a huge smile on their faces. One feels like entering another era, and almost not wanting to leave it after sensing its magic!

This case of Boneza is very representative of Lake Kivu’s coffee production scene where washing stations are easier reached by boat than any other means of transportation. The washing stations are all built on hilly slopes, making natural use of gravity to allow water to fill-up soaking tanks and guide the freshly pulped coffee beans across the tanks until they reach the drying stage where they will be gently laid over the African beds. 

It is the successful grouping of 4 Coops and their 19'000 smallholder farmers that makes the Lake Kivu FTO Coffee Cluster which Supremo is proud to partner with.

Quick facts

  • Full traceability to Coop level

  • Multiple Certification schemes

  • Women Groups

  • 19'000 smallholder farmers

More info on each Coop. in the following pages


Washing station


Altitude, Longitude:


Distance to station:

Participating Farmers:

Year Created:

Coffee Variety:


Soil Type:

Average Rainfall:

Average Temperature:

Processing capacity:

Drying Method

1°42'7''S 29°1'5''E

1470 Meters

0h10 by road

8865 Farmers



Kivu 3 (Fully Washed), Kivu 4 (Farm Washed) & Kivu 5 (FW Triage) 

Humo-Volcanic Soil

1000mm - 1500mm

25-27 °C

250MT of green coffee  

Traditional drying beds


Sopacdi people

Washing Station

Boneza, Rutsiro

Latitude, Longitude:


Distance to station:

Participating Farmers:

Year Created:

Coffee Variety:


Soil Type:

Average Rainfall:

Average Temperature:

Processing capacity:

Drying Beds:

421780, 9801986

1800 Meters

1h30 by boat, 2h30 by road

1511 Farmers



Fully Washed 15+ & Ordinary 15+ (Farm Washed)

Volcanic Soil

1200mm - 1300mm

18-20 °C

250 MT of green coffee

248 traditional drying beds

Women in Kotwibakado

Washing Station


Latitude, Longitude:


Distance to station:

Participating Farmers:

Year Created:

Coffee Variety:


Soil Type:

Average Rainfall:

Average Temperature:

Processing capacity:

Drying Beds:

0421788, 9801997

1800 Meters

1h00 by road

1012 Farmers



Fully Washed 15+ & Ordinary 15+ (Farm Washed)

Volcanic Soil

1200mm - 1300mm

18-19 °C

160MT of green coffee  

185 traditional drying beds

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